Reflections From an Old Pencil Salesman After 50 Years
By Neville Chaney
By Neville Chaney
By Neville Chaney
Every business wants to be competitive on the prices that they charge. Well, from my viewpoint running a company for more than 46 years, I concur that price is indeed vital, but cost is even higher on the scale.
Data is valuable, and therefore it’s vulnerable. We’ve all seen the headlines: the breaches, the leaks, the ransomware and other malware attacks. And today, most organizations have robust security measures in place to protect their network data, including protecting common network access points such as laptops, desktops, even phones.
By Neville Chaney
Cyber scams have a great deal in common with aging. You may not be old now, but you will be. Likewise, if you haven’t been a target of cyber scams, it’s simply a matter of “when.”
By Neville Chaney
No matter how many years a business has been in operation; good, bad, or mediocre; there is always something its owners and managers must consider: business diversification. Now my definition may be different than others, yet whenever it comes to my attention, I tend to look at with a broader viewpoint. In other words, one can add or delete products and services, but equally important are the changes that you can make in the way that you deliver them.
by Neville Chaney
Constant evaluation, constant improvement are two fundamental aspects of the WJ Office mantra. They have been for more than 45 years. For evidence of this, let me present some facts about our tech team, a group comprised of service techs, management, sales staff, and admin support.